Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Do you know what this is??

Ok Quilters, I need your help. Today a neighbor brought over a quilt frame from his farm. This is the farm where he grew up and where he had found his mother's quilt frame. He set it up for me and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to attach the quilt to the frame. There are little pins along the sides of the frame. I also cannot imagine "stabbing" the fabric onto these pins??? The frame is labeled "Maid of Honor" and I found this pic for one just like it on eBay. So if this looks familiar to you, or if you have any ideas please leave a comment.

Other news? I haven't had much sewing time, as my daughter Summer had a reaction on Friday night after eating peanuts. She is fine and well, however we are avoiding peanuts (not easy to do) until her blood test comes back.

On the design wall:

(ha ha this is just a sheet hanging in my dining room LOL) is the ever present "I spy" quilt, nearly finished with the top, if I were to get back in front of the machine. Next to the sewing machine, neighbor's coat, nephew's quilt and Eli's jeans...four pair that need repair.

On the shelf:

As time is ticking, I need to start the restoration on the "Sucker Creek Quilt" I really wish I had photos of this one to share. Made circa 1970's had quilted, with small two inch blocks surrounded by a plain muslin background that is heavily hand quilted. The quilt maker did quilt in her initials!

In the future:

I would like to start at least one small 12X12 approx. size quilted art wall hanging. I would like to explore more of this free form art expression. An artist I found while surfing, from SC, has an esty store I love what she is doing! She is very talented and inspiring.

Also on the web:

Loads of farm girls and maybe a few farm boys, sharing ideas and laughter. Lots of talent bouncing around in there too. If you have an interest in sewing, and farm life in general please go take a look.

I will include a pic of that frame, please let me know what you think.
After having posted this question to the quilters at WWQP the answer is:
It is a Curtain Stretcher!
for our "conversation" on this painful process!
I also found a blog worth mentioning, I love this guy's photos. He is a student at Regent College in Vancouver BC
And please check out my personal friend, Cindy the Seamstress in Seatle (say That five times fast!)

Happy Valentines Day

Hello Friends!
Happy Valentines Day to all of you
with big hugs all around